Help with particle aura

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    I want to make the particle (swirl) stay on the players feet facing upward with no change in rotation

  2. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!
    The particle, which is connected to the HRP, follows the rotation of the player which is not what i want and is buggy (turns around randomly) etc

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?
    Checked the forums and other social media’s for similar problems but found no direct or clear answers

Aura connected via HRP

Aura connected via Upper Torso

Also, is there any way / method to keep the particles for the floor (swirl) to stay on the ground (not follow player y axis) even if the player is not touching the ground

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The only best way I can think of is, using a while task.wait() do loop which only positions a part assigned to each individual unique player and acts as a part which emits the particle. This part will never change in rotation thus there will be

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I have tested this, and while it does work it is delayed / laggy from the server to client making it look terrible. Is there any other way? I’ve looked into alignOrientation and that seems like a probable method but im not sure how to use it

I need the whole code,whole code is better for me to identify

Code for testing the setting position of part to player with the particle (aura).

local part = script.Parent


part.Parent = game.Players['theultramadman'].Character.HumanoidRootPart

while task.wait() do
    part.CFrame =

In the game, the aura / particles are attachments that are parented to the HumanoidRootPart of the player. The swirl particle is a VelocityPerpindicular, which is the only Orientation type of a particle emitter that exhibits this behavior that I’m trying to fix. Giving the code for setting the aura on the player is useless since it does not change anything via script. Tell me if there is anything more you need

This is not a good script.
For this :slight_smile:
Add the code

part.Orientation = CFrame.Angles(x,y,z) – where you want to rotate too

Hey I appreciate the effort to help, no worries as i have found the fix myself. Also, you cannot set an Orientation of an object to a CFrame, it has to be a Vector3

Appreciated.If u need more help,ask me or the dev people in here

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