Help with pet movement positioning

How do I add another pet row after the previous row has five pets already?

The red line will be another row of pets, which will contain five pets per row.

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Just make the radius be equal to math.ceil(i/5) * 1, with i being which number pet it is. If i is equal to 1 to 5 it’ll be less or equal to 1, so with math.ceil we automatically round it upwards. Now that is what we do for the radius.

Now you want to use i2 = (i-1)%5 +1, this will be used for the angle. It is called the remainder.
Let’s say i = 10, then the result of the above forumla is equal to 5, if i = 15 -> i2 = 5
If i = 8 then i2 is equal to 3 etc.

Now just fill them in there with those equations.

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you need to learn stuff like tangent and other trigonometric functions so this will become so much easier

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