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Are your frame elements parented to the frame you are moving?
Have you checked the transparencies/visibility?
To prevent awkward resizing effects I set the children to 1/false until the tween has finished. Thought you might do something similar?
Constantly changing the size of a CanvasGroup
forces it to redraw it’s texture repeatedly, which causes it to reach a memory limit and render completely blank. You can read more about it here.
If you don’t need the CanvasGroup
’s GroupColor3
and GroupTransparency
, just use a regular Frame
Howeveri if you need those; I’d recommend hiding the CanvasGroup
and creating a Frame
identical to the CanvasGroup
and have it visible during the animation, then hide it and show the CanvasGroup
after the animation is finished. This way, you can keep both the animation and the CanvasGroup
without any blank frames. (CanvasGroups
do not use any memory when they are scaled while they have their Visible
property set to false
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