I need some help making a script. So I want to make a part go to another parts position when the game Starts.
So the names of the parts are
MovingPart - the part that moves to the other parts position.
EndPart - the end for the MovingPart
I tried using this script
script.Parent.Position = game.Workspace.EndPart.Position
But for some reason it doesn’t work.
Im not sure whats wrong with it. Can you help me?
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Does it show an error in the console?
July 31, 2021, 3:22pm
script.Parent.CFrame = CFrame.new(game.Workspace.EndPart.CFrame)
idk how your whole script is like but try this.
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July 31, 2021, 3:27pm
why are you converting a CFrame into a CFrame, that makes zero sense
The script is not wrong, I think the script is running before the part is even loaded in the workspace.
Maybe verify if the parts are there with :FindFirstChild("EndPart")
or :WaitForChild("EndPart")
or just add a wait()
to wait for a few seconds before the script runs.
Hi everyone! Thanks for all your help.It seems like I used a local instead of a server.