Help with random island generation

I’m trying to make what the title says but i get the error Unable to cast region3int16 to bool error on line 37, what am i doing wrong

local islandSize = 512 -- The size of the island, in studs
local mountainHeight = 100 -- The height of the mountain, in studs
local beachHeight = 10 -- The height of the beach, in studs
local oceanDepth = 30 -- The depth of the ocean, in studs

-- Get the existing terrain object and clear it
local terrain = game:GetService("Workspace").Terrain

-- Generate a base terrain using Perlin noise
local baseTerrain = {}
for i = 0, islandSize do
	baseTerrain[i] = {}
	for j = 0, islandSize do
		-- Generate a random height using 2D Perlin noise
		local height = math.noise(i/100, j/100, 0) * 50 + 50
		baseTerrain[i][j] = height

-- Add a mountain in the center of the island
local centerX, centerY = islandSize/2, islandSize/2
for i = 0, islandSize do
	for j = 0, islandSize do
		-- Calculate the distance from the center of the island
		local dx, dy = i - centerX, j - centerY
		local distance = math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy)

		-- Add height to the terrain within a certain radius of the center
		if distance < islandSize/4 then
			baseTerrain[i][j] = baseTerrain[i][j] + math.max(mountainHeight - distance*2, 0)

-- Apply the base terrain to the terrain object
terrain:PasteRegion(baseTerrain,, 0, 0)),, 200, islandSize), true, Enum.Material.Grass)

-- Smooth the terrain to remove sharp edges

-- Flatten the terrain around the mountain peak to create a plateau
local peakHeight = baseTerrain[centerX][centerY] + mountainHeight
terrain:FillBall(, peakHeight, centerY), islandSize/8, Enum.Material.Rock, true)

-- Flatten the terrain around the base of the mountain to create a beach
terrain:FillBall(, 0, centerY), islandSize/2, Enum.Material.Sand, true)

-- Create an ocean around the island
local oceanSize = islandSize + 100
local oceanTerrain = {}
for i = 0, oceanSize do
	oceanTerrain[i] = {}
	for j = 0, oceanSize do
		-- Generate a depth using 2D Perlin noise
		local depth = math.noise(i/300, j/300, 0) * 20 + oceanDepth
		oceanTerrain[i][j] = depth
terrain:PasteRegion(oceanTerrain,, 0, -(oceanSize/2))),, oceanDepth, oceanSize), true, Enum.Material.Water)

-- Smooth the ocean terrain to create a more natural look

-- Flatten the terrain around the edge of the ocean to create a beach
terrain:FillRegion(, 0, -(oceanSize/2)),, 0, oceanSize/2)), Enum.Material.Sand, true)

print("Island generated successfully!")

Can you place a comment where the error is? It is kind of hard to tell where exactly line 37 is

Are you sure PasteRegion is the function you meant? The parameters do not match the signature of this function in the documentation:

Edit: I scrapped this idea and moved on!

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