Help with Reserved Servers

I am trying to make a system that will allow you to create servers and join them, I need help figuring out how to make a list that shows all active servers as I have no idea how to do that.
I am trying to make something that kinda looks like below image but I need it to be able to have a different amount of servers based on how many there are active

MessagingService would probably work best for this.

Basically, you’d wanna subscribe (listen) to a topic, lets just call it “GetServers” for now and when your callback function is called, you’d wanna publish to another topic which we’ll call “ReceiveServers” as we unfortunately cannot return data back (from what I know). Now, when we want to get our servers, we’d publish to “GetServers” to get the servers and to receive said servers we would subscribe to “ReceiveServers” and add every server that sends their data over to a table. From there, you can read from the table to display the existing servers.

i am so sorry this is a terrible explanation :sob:

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