Well that is simply because you are setting textsize to 25. Text size is actually describing the height of the text. When I change the value of the test height your code works flawlessly. I think it might be your parent frame being sized different that’s throwing you off. Try setting BackgroundTransparency to 0 for your testing.
Basically I want my message to go like this whenever the text reaches the end of the frame (basically the textlabel.Y just gets bigger) but my bounds always print 25 for the Y) is there a fix for this or am I doing something wrong?
You need to set the parent first before using absolute size. Without doing that it will assume 0 for anything using scale. If it gets less than the size of a word or character it will default to one line it seems.
And you need to make the text box the max size it can be on the Y axis because it will clip it to the full size of the box. So when you make the textbox by default 25, it will only allow it to go to 25.
function createnewtext(text)
local textlabel = Instance.new("TextLabel")
textlabel.BackgroundTransparency = 1
textlabel.Position = UDim2.new(0,0,1,0)
textlabel.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,1,0)
textlabel.Font = Enum.Font.Gotham
textlabel.TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255,255,255)
textlabel.Text = text
textlabel.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left
textlabel.TextSize = 25
textlabel.TextWrapped = true
textlabel.Parent = textframe
local bounds = TextService:GetTextSize(textlabel.Text,textlabel.TextSize,textlabel.Font,Vector2.new(textlabel.AbsoluteSize.X,textlabel.AbsoluteSize.Y))
textlabel.Size = UDim2.new(1,0,0,bounds.Y)