working on this but. one part works other does not here is the script
noob.Humanoid.Health -= Spheredmg
for i , v in pairs(game.Workspace.Noobs:GetChildren()) do
if v:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then
if v.Humanoid.Health == 0 then
while wait(0.1) do
if v.Name == "Noob" then
local noobpos = v.Torso.Position
plr.leaderstats.Coins.Value += 10
plr.ExpFolder.Expierience.Value += 5
local clonednoob = game.ReplicatedStorage.Noob:Clone()
clonednoob.HumanoidRootPart.Position = noobpos
clonednoob.Parent = workspace.Noobs
elseif v.Name == "ZombieNoob" then
local noobpos2 = v.Torso.Position
plr.leaderstats.Coins.Value += 20
plr.ExpFolder.Expierience.Value += 10
local clonednoob = game.ReplicatedStorage.ZombieNoob:Clone()
clonednoob.HumanoidRootPart.Position = noobpos2
clonednoob.Parent = workspace.Noobs
your “for loop” goes through the “Noobs” table, did you put both the Noobs and Zombie Noobs in that same table or are they placed in different ones?, and also are there any errors visible in the output
-it would help if you sent a picture of the workspace so that we can see how you (placed/sorted) everything.
Ohh yea sorry they are in the same “Noobs” folder and no errors that is why I checked there name bc they in same folder but the problem is that they respawn its just not in the same position and im not sure why cuz the one above it works but not the zombie one but its the same script so idk
okay so of the zombies do respawn but not in the right position where do they exactly respawn? and try to put a print in the “Zombie Noob condition” to see if the problem is inside or is the condition itself
You don’t understand I see in the video that the normal noobs do respawn everytime at the same place and that’s normal because in your script the “clonednoob” position is set to “noobpos = v.Torso.Position” so the same as the old noob’s position (the one that died), and the green noobs (zombie noobs) do not respawn at all, so what must be causing that is a problem with this part of your script:
elseif v.Name == "ZombieNoob" then
local noobpos2 = v.Torso.Position
plr.leaderstats.Coins.Value += 20
plr.ExpFolder.Expierience.Value += 10
local clonednoob = game.ReplicatedStorage.ZombieNoob:Clone()
clonednoob.HumanoidRootPart.Position = noobpos2
clonednoob.Parent = workspace.Noobs
or a mistake you made in the workspace (you placed the zombie noobs or something else in the wrong place/folder or named something the wrong name)
-check everything even the HumanoidRootParts and the ZombieNoob that is in the ReplicatedStorage