Help with Roblox Open Cloud and API keys

I need some help with API keys and such.

  1. What do you want to achieve? I would like to be able to read/write to my open cloud API key/place. I just discovered this resource yesterday and it intrigues me. I would like to learn more about it, and hopefully be able to set up a data store with it.

  2. What is the issue? When I tried running this code, (with my universal id and place id included in the spots), it came up with the error "Httpservice is not allowed to access Roblox resources.

print(game:GetService("HttpService"):GetAsync("{Universal ID}/places/{place ID}/versions"))
  1. What solutions have you tried so far? I tried to find some tutorials on this resource but it is confusing and I have so far failed to find any good, understandable ones on the dev forum or YT.

Use roproxy as a proxy instead of directly going through Roblox.

print(game:GetService("HttpService"):GetAsync("{Universal ID}/places/{place ID}/versions"))

Put simply, Roblox doesn’t normally allow you to use their API from Roblox itself.

Thank you, will for sure try that. You got any good tutorials on the API service?

I don’t have any tutorials I can think of, but you could look at the API docs themselves.

This lists all of the APIs and you can click on the links to see the docs of that category.

Ok, thank you. Really wanted good tutorial on that :frowning:

As Kaiden said, use an online proxy or host one yourself.

I recommend going to every roblox endpoint, familiarizing yourself with the information each endpoint provides, and apply that knowledge. That’s at least how I became proficient with the roblox web apis.

The main problem for me is that they do not give many if any examples of using Lua for the implementation.