Help with rotating a part

So I want to rotate a part towards another part (Using CFrame), but only by a certain degree, not fully rotate it. I don’t really know how to do this, and I haven’t seen similar posts (or I was too lazy to find them)

What do you mean by “a certain degree?” Like 10, 15, or 45 degrees? And do you want it to be an instantaneous rotation or a gradual rotation?

If you only need to look a percentage of the way towards an object, you should use CFrame:Lerp(). If not, see below:

I’m a little rusty on my trigonometry, but this should be what you are looking for.

This should give you the angle in degrees between two parts, you can then do whatever you need to do with the resulting value.

local partA = workspace.Part
local partB = workspace.Part2

while true do
	-- Calculate the side of our triangle
	local side = partA.Position.X - partB.Position.X
	-- Use pythagorean theorem to get the hypotenuse
	local hypotenuse = math.sqrt((partA.Position.X - partB.Position.X)^2 + (partA.Position.Z - partB.Position.Z)^2)  
	-- Calculate the angle
	local angle = math.asin(side/hypotenuse)
	-- Subtract that from the current parts rotation
	local difference = math.rad(angle) - partB.Rotation.Y
	-- Now you have your difference, and can do whatever with it. 
	print (math.deg(difference))

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