What do you want to achieve? I’m trying to save a model to Roblox, a vehicle to be specific.
What is the issue? Tried a handful of times but to no avail, except for one time before I put the systems together. Studio has never bothered saving it ever since and has thrown “Could not serialise Instances” ever since. Tried overwriting existing models, gives HTTP 500 every time with “failed to upload union exceeded triangle limit”. I checked and the issue IS with the unions. (Tried removing all unions and succeeded, publishing only the unions and got the same error)
What solutions have you tried so far? I’ve already converted some messier unions to meshes (and even cutting some faces), but it’s impossible for me to repeat this for every single union (I have 650 ish of them). I’m struggling to identify which unions (I’m sure it’s plural) are responsible for this mess. Putting the model into a game and publishing it isn’t a solution as I rely on insertservice to access it in game. (Not to mention this did not work as well, but interestingly the model saves into team create without any issues)
I’m clearly aware that there’s a handful of stuff in my model, but I’ve seen models with similar loads (or even heavier) saving with no issues. Any advice on how to get my stuff saved would be highly appreciated.
I’m sorry but I’m unable to provide the model due to privacy concerns.
Yes I’ve looked at other posts on the devforum but no they don’t solve my issue so that’s why I’m here