Hi guys! Rather new to guis! Mastered the basic roblox guis and I’m now attempting ones with custom images and borders. I am using a free border asset as a test but am encountering a scaling issue!
This is what my border looks like when I put it in roblox ^
Here’s it unscaled:

What I want to achieve:
I want to scale the imagelabel without it going all blurry and super stretched, keeping it’s original state. Here’s an example of the same border with what I want to achieve:
What I’ve tried:
I watched a tutorial on slicing, thinking that would fix it, but no the first image I sent is still the final result I obtained. Here are the settings I used for slice
Now I’m not sure if I simply need a bigger image or if it’s not possible to stretch the way I want. I was also wondering if maybe a vector image would fix this but I don’t even know if Roblox supports that.
Any advice / help is appreciated