Hello, I need help with the scaling I do not know how to make it so it is the same size as the 2nd one on top.
Please help.
Hello, I need help with the scaling I do not know how to make it so it is the same size as the 2nd one on top.
Please help.
I would look into using this if it would help.
I have used this many times to Scale my guis and it has always worked out for me! Please reply to me and see if this helps.
I tried that but, as you can see at the bottom it turns to that.
I see you are using basic admin, until you change it inside of the actual MainModule script you won’t be able to unless I am mistaken please quote me, but I am not a perfectional scripter I would ask inside of Script Support and maybe you can get someone that is involved in this type of stuff.
Yeah you see, doing it inside the module would require a way better scripter than me, I for one only get her my info from resources like devfourm, to do it within the module I would need to find a scripter that is willing to do it for free which is very difficult to find.
I find it amazing that you even understand the MainModule lol, I could never understand that type of stuff, but anyways I would ask a more talented scripter.