I am working on a game where players spawn on these tiles, and every 10 seconds, something happens to a tile such as it might turn to lava, or it might start spinning etc.
How would I go about scripting the tiles?
I have many different ideas such as cloning the certain script (such as a fire script or lava script or spinning script) and putting the script in the certain tile, or I could use RemoteEvents for each thing that happens to a tile.
I am just not too sure.
What would you suggest is the safest way to script this?
tysm <3
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Hmm I’ll give an idea
What you could do, is once the round starts you can teleport all the players using a for i, v in pairs
loop to set the Character’s Position to where those tiles are
local TileArea = workspace.TileArea
for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
local Character = v.Character
if Character then
Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position = TileArea.SpawnPoint.Position + Vector3.new(math.random(-20, 20), 0, math.random(-20,20)) --This is to separate players from teleporting in the same area
Next, you could go about the Tile Making a bunch of different ways, but what I’d think could be the best choice is to put your Tiles & Tile Changes in separate tables and putting it inside a loop:
local Tiles = workspace.Tiles:GetChildren()
local TileChanges = {
while true do
local RandomTile = Tiles[math.random(1, #Tiles)]
local RandomChange = TileChanges[math.random(1, #TileChanges)]
if RandomTile and RandomChange then
if RandomChange == "LavaTile" then
--Ow that's hot
elseif RandomChange == "SpinningTile" then
elseif RandomChange == "ExplodeTile" then
--The tile is a bomb
Usually you’d want to set Round Scripts mainly on the server-side, it’s more secure that way