Help with scripting level

  • What are you attempting to achieve? (Keep it simple and clear)
  • What is the issue? (Keep it simple and clear - Include screenshots/videos/GIFs if possible)
  • What solutions have you tried so far? (Have you searched for solutions through the Roblox Wiki yet?)

Hello, im making games alone for approx. 1-2 years.

When I started, I highly grow in the level of scripting for that moment, but now when I attempt to make cool scripts or systems I have many bugs and inconsistencies. I noticed that in scripts I using only Events, If then, for in pairs() do, :GetPropertyChangedSignal(). My local scripts and servers scripts bad dealing.

I want to continue grow in scripting, I searched guides on Youtube. But all of them is for really beginners. I know forum is good place for learning new information, but I dont know what I need to learn because I can continue scripting at this level with many bugs. And spend many hours for it fixing

My scripting level is not a beginner and not a professional
If anyone can say me what I need to learn, for increase scripting level.
Or I don’t need to learn anymore and just practice.

Its may be helpful for other that in same situation

Thanks for all!!

How about working on small projects like obbies,round based games,etc to apply different aspects of code in certain situations that can develop your logic and debugging skills to later on build bigger games.

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Learning without practicing is a big mistake for any developer because you dont learn from your mistakes and more practice works your scripting skills to expand and find alternative solutions in the best possible way.
What i learnt is of course you can learn any programming language(python ,lua and java)
but not knowing how to apply the fundamental basics to a scenario will make you regress as not knowing what they do or function is a downside for a scripter.
But as i said i think your problem is just logical thinking as you need to understand what the code will do from top to bottom by reading out loud what the code should do or write comments. And keep on practicing small projects and asking questions on the devforum.

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What I would work on is first of, games you actually want to make, and things that are complicated.

As people will say, “Make Simple things!”, But lets be honest, youre not gonna learn a whole lot from making simple things.

What I would do is think up a project you’d like to create that might have things that you dont understand how to make, and really just brainstorm on how you’d create it.

Then well, make it.
Id also recommend learning about modules as they are game changers, along with the client-server model roblox uses.


Go make a game you actually want to make, that doesnt sound too easy to create, then go from there! After all, scripting is basically just trial and error.


Yeah thats a great example because starting big isnt the way to go but small and patient

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(err small annoying fact! heh! you dont have to use pairs or ipairs anymore…)

I think you should explore, and make what seems fun to you, but also challenging. “Easy systems” yada yada are boring and also they don’t help you improve much. Search for something you think is on your level, would be fun, and helps you learn. I think you may have been told this, like “step out your comfort zone!!” but take it a step further; is there anything you avoided scripting? Challenge it, and don’t shy away (if anything). Script UIs? Try physcis. Only smaller systems? Try larger things, AI, pathfinding, (sorry if its a little extreme…), or whatever else floats your boat. Even uncovering a few new things will help you become better - and not every major improvement has to be something insanely complex or rocket science, like learning to structure your code (either via frameworks such as Knit, or through better modulation), or basic OOP (object orient programming), modularity, etc etc. Even making better readable scripts is an improvement.

It’s also important to note that making games you like to make/are passionate about will help you get better regardless. If you want the best for your game, you’ll automatically find yourself implementing better practices, and understanding more in depth. Understanding also comes from enjoyment; if you consider scripting a fun activity/hobby (over a job/“i need to be good”) you’ll improve even faster.

Also, I know it may sound odd but don’t be afraid to ask AI for help. Does this mean you have it make everything for you? No, but it means to have it help you or point out things. the new o3 mini high model is great (from my experience, all ChatGPT models are). If you know what to ask for - it can help you pretty well. It explains stuff clearly, and that’s how I learnt most of the basics anyways.

Stay curious, keep pushing to learn more (like you are now), and never let bugs discourage you (since you will eventually crush them!).

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Lets be honest ai will take over roblox games in the near future since the world is being ai-driven now and the roblox ai assistant isnt top tier ai support but soon it will be.

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Thanks for everyone! I will comply your methods and tips and try to grow

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