Now I know the normal way on how to handle this(insert a local script for each text button). What I’m trying to achieve is to have this all on one script, WITHOUT having to create a variable for each text button. How I figure on doing it is this:
As you can see, the grassland text button and the grassland statistics( the image label that is a child of Scores) both have the same name. My idea for creating this system is this:
1.) Detect which text button was clicked and get its name
2.) Use the text buttons name to find the statistic menu that matches it
What I need help with is how to detect when a text button was clicked without creating a variable for each text button.
Here is what I have started so far. I am an intermediate scripter so there is bound to be mistakes:
local scores = script.Parent
local mainMenu = scores.MainMenu
local scrollingFrame = mainMenu.ScrollingFrame
local levels = scrollingFrame:GetChildren()
local function findClicked(course)
for i, v in pairs(levels) do
if v:IsA("TextButton") and v.Name == course.Name then
return course.Name
local function findScoreInfo(info)
info.Name = findClicked()
return info.Name
--- Idk what to put here
How is that supposed to help? I am asking how do you detect the mouseClick event without creating variables for every single text button.(they’re textbuttons due to an effect I made when you hover your mouse over the scores)
Heyo, theoretically all you’ll have to do is to iterate through every object in the ScrollingFrame → check if they’re a TextButton → bind the function to the TextButton.MouseButton1Click event.
You can simply do something like this inside the function which is connected to the .MouseButton1Click event:
local statisticMenu = button:FindFirstAncestor("Scores"):FindFirstChild(button.Name)
It worked! Thank you so much! Here is the end result:
local scores = script.Parent
local mainMenu = scores.MainMenu
local scrollingFrame = mainMenu.ScrollingFrame
local function getInfo(button)
local statisticMenu = button:FindFirstAncestor("Scores"):FindFirstChild(button.Name)
statisticMenu.Visible = true
mainMenu.Visible = false
for i, v in pairs(scrollingFrame:GetChildren()) do
if v:IsA("TextButton") then
local textbutton = getInfo(v)