Help with scripts responsible for limb separation

Greetings, dear developers! And in this thread, I will ask you to provide me with some service, namely, to answer the questions below. And you can take my word for it, I looked for answers to these questions wherever I could, I even tried to enter a query in Chinese, but if I did find something similar, it turned out to be not quite what I needed or the answer was incomplete…

I’ll answer right away that I’m a layman in this matter and in general with regard to scripts, but only a beginner developer, and if I ask for help about something that cannot be done or it requires a great mind, then you can enlighten me about this…

In any case, let’s move on to the question itself.

How to create an individual health of each limb, so that it falls off the body and disappears after some time if the amount of health of this limb becomes zero?

And if the character’s head was torn off, then the entire model would be automatically reset, but without losing the previously undamaged limbs?

I also need to be able to split the torso across, in which case the lower parts automatically become defective, fall off from the upper part, but do not fall apart, and then (again) disappear after a while. And so that the one who has lost the lower parts cannot walk, but only crawl.

Of course, so that the one who has lost his hands could not hold anything, that is, he could put things in his inventory, but he could not take anything from it.

Will be used to create a zombie game. No blood or other scarlet colors will be added, just a regular character model, but without a definite limb.

If I am not asking too much and it will not be difficult for you, then could you write what scripts can be responsible for this? Please, if I were at least a little versed in writing scripts, I would not ask here for help me with this.

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And I need keywords that I should inject into the script so that it affects at least one limb in this way.