As you see aoll of the parts for the ski lift and also the wires are in the workspace. so what i want to happen if when you click one of the buttons the velocity of the wires / cables change. Any idea how to do that? Thanks for your help
I do not thing this is the correct section for this. Try posting in script support instead. Good luck!
game.workspace.Wire.Velocity =,90;0) //change it to your likings
This should go in scripting support. Also, can I see a picture of the wires you want to move? You might be able to use prismatic constraints for this.
doesnt help
idk why maybe the code is different or idk
You need to add a ClickDetector to the buttons and then call a function based on that. This should help ClickDetector | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
put a click detector inside the buttons and use a for loop to alter the velocity of all the wires on your cable car. A script could look like this:
for _,v in pairs(script.Parent:GetChildren()do -- replace script.Parent with the location of the model that contains your wires
if v.Name == 'Wire' then
v.Velocity = vector3.New() -- edit velocity here
seems good. but what exactly. i mean i could friend you and you could help me on it if you want