Someone know how to insert another table in a table that have a players name or any other name
local module = {}
module.Table = {}
module.Table = {User123= {User123, User42, User593, User213}, User592 = {User592}}
I need it like this
return module
local module = {}
module.Table = {
User123 = {"User123", "User42", "User593", "User213"},
User592 = {"User592"}
-- You can access the nested tables like this:
-- local user123Table = module.Table.User123
-- local user592Table = module.Table.User592
return module
In your code, you were trying to create the nested tables incorrectly. The corrected code defines the module.Table with keys as user names and their corresponding tables as values. Each user’s table contains a list of users. You can access these nested tables as shown in the comments at the bottom of the corrected code.