Help with sound issue, Very glitchy and buggy

A car I made used to play sound just fine but recently its stopped playing occasionally loading in slow, I’ve tried updating my drivers, I’m currently reinstalling both Roblox studio and the player. I’ve tried moving it to another place and etc… it plays fine on my phone yet on my computer it just refuses to work correctly both in studio or the player, any help would be appreciated.

We cannot see the vid due to it being private.

Also can you send the code so we can review it?

There isn’t any code and give me a sec to fix the vid, you’ll see how whack it is in the video

How does the music play then?? Also why would you place it in scripting support then??

I had it set as playing inside of a part in the workspace, as far as the car goes the code is allowing it to play, its just nothing can be heard, also I set the video to public.

Wait so what is the issue? I checked the vid and it seems fine to me?

This is the code for the horn which is inside the same sound block as the engine noise grouped to the same sound group, neither one wants to play, the code was working before and randomly quit, I have touched the sound script since i first scripted it also.


--local FE = workspace.FilteringEnabled
--local handler = car:WaitForChild("Horn_FE")
local Model = script.Object.Value
local Controls = Model.Main_Script.Controls
local VehicleSeat = Model:WaitForChild("Seat")

local IsRunning = true

if child.Name=="SeatWeld" then
IsRunning = false

if IsRunning == true then
if (input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode[Controls.PC.Horn.Value] and not IsRobloxFunction) or input.KeyCode ==Enum.KeyCode[Controls.Xbox.Horn.Value] then


local car = script.Parent:WaitForChild("Object").Value
local horn = car.Seat.SFX:WaitForChild("Horn")

script.Parent.Command.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(User, Command, ExtraInfo1, ExtraInfo2)
if Command == "Horn" then
if Command == "Remove" then

Here is the asset id, I know the sounds work but can’t figure out why it isnt for me
also if you play the game im sure the sounds would work for you considering it did on my phone for me. Heres the game link too.

Issue might be the asset no longer exists.

It exist its because I didn’t give you a Roblox link itself, that’s just the studio code

My memory is running around 2k is there a chance it is thats, it honestly seems way to high, also how do I find the scripts that are hurting my memory the most

Hey there. A bug report has been made regarding the issue you are facing and is actively being investigated. You can check in on it here

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Thank you for letting me know, I kept scratching my head tryna figure out what it could be.