Help with spawning a model

Hey, so I’m making a Minecraft type game, but more realistic.

Currently revamping the Minecraft lucky block.

This lucky block was made in Roblox studio out of parts as I do not use Blender. It has about 15 parts total. I’m going to place it in ReplicatedStorage and then when the player places it, it will be cloned and the clone will be placed in workspace. How exactly do I go about doing this though? I tried grouping it as a model but it never spawns. I also tried using unions but it changed the material of the model and I’m aware unions are really bad for performance. There will likely be hundreds of these blocks, so hundreds of unions just isn’t practical…

Here is the model:

Note: The block on the far right is what a normal lucky block looks like. The one closest to my character is my custom lucky block. The normal lucky block spawns fine (I believe it’s because it doesn’t have multiple parts)

(Also, I’m open to feedback on how to improve my custom lucky block’s appearance. It’s going to be placed in a sort of desert biome so that’s why I chose a brown color scheme. I’m open to suggestions!)

Here is what the biome will look similar to:

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The easiest way to do this would probably be to clone the model and parent it to workspace, then set the position to where you want it to be. If you could provide a code sample of what you have scripted, it would be helpful.

Side note, it would be much more performant and efficient to use a mesh made in 3d software, like blender. I understand that you are not familiar with blender but the model should be simple enough to recreate even for a beginner. Actually, you can export the model as an obj by right clicking it in the explorer and clicking “export selection”. You can then simply import this to blender. You will have to make a texture for the different colors but this is very easy. I’m sure you could figure this out quickly. But of course, it’s up to you. If you’d rather use a model made in studio, go ahead.

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