I’m trying to spawn a part at a fixed interval, as the title says. The spawner on the right is working properly, however the left spawner is spawning two at a time. I’ve tried debounce among various other things, however it still behaves the exact same.
local debris = game:GetService("Debris")
local runservice = game:GetService("RunService")
local a = 5
local v = 15
local t = 60
local c = Color3.fromRGB(227,222,245)
local cpp = {0.6,0.05,0,1,1}
local pt = "Part"
local b = 0
if b <= 0 then
b = a
if script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Name == script.Parent:GetAttribute("Tycoon") then
local dropper = script.Parent.Dropper
local p = Instance.new(pt)
p.Size = dropper.Size
p.Position = dropper.Position
p.Color = c
p.Material = Enum.Material.Ice
p.CustomPhysicalProperties = PhysicalProperties.new(cpp)
p.Parent = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Debris
p:SetAttribute("Value", v)
debris:AddItem(p, t)
b = b - 0.01
^ This is the code for both of the spawners.