I have been up for a few hours trying to solve this problem and I still cant quite figure it out. I have made a function that in theory should split a part into 2 separate parts but for some reason the script fails to resize the part. Any help would be much appreciated.
function split(part, face, delta)
local f1, f2, d = nil, nil, nil
if face == "X" then
f1, f2, d = Enum.NormalId.Left, Enum.NormalId.Right, part.Size.X
elseif face == "Y" then
f1, f2, d = Enum.NormalId.Top, Enum.NormalId.Bottom, part.Size.Y
elseif face == "Z" then
f1, f2, d = Enum.NormalId.Front, Enum.NormalId.Back, part.Size.Z
error("Face not provided")
local p = part:Clone()
p.Parent = part.Parent
p:Resize(f1, -(d-delta*d))
local p = part:Clone()
p.Parent = part.Parent
p:Resize(f2, -(d-(1-delta)*d))
print(-(d-delta*d), -(d-(1-delta)*d))
split(workspace.Part, "X", 0.75)
what exactly happens (or not) when you run the script?
And for others who don’t understand what is he trying to achieve imma say it. He wants to take a 4 * 2 * 3 part and cut it on the x axis at 75% of it’s length(for example). The result of it will be two parts one with the 3 * 2 * 3 size and one with 1 * 2 * 3 size.
If he wants to do that he can just create 2 new parts defined as the same properties he had except for a change dependent on half of the delta difference before the cut operation which is just 4 * 0.75 with a x movement of 0.5 since 1 delta difference on x
Yes thats what the :Resize is supposed to do but currently it does nothing, when the script runs it just creates 2 new parts in the exact same position and size as the old one.