I’m trying to make a StarterCharacter that grabs the players head and arms body colors then puts it inside the StarterCharacter’s head and arms body colors but I have absolutely no idea how.
StarterCharacter may not be the correct way to go about this. Instead you can remove all the player’s accessories and stuff on spawn and then manually change their torso and legs’ body colors.
but what if I wanted to remove the meshes from the torso, arms, and legs and added studs with decals? like grg
though I will try RemoveAccessories
haha I used to be a moderator for grg, I figured that’s what you were going for.
That’s very simple, you dont actually need to add studs or anything, removing the meshes automatically adds it. Although if I remember correctly the player doesnt actually normally have meshes in their arms, instead you need to put a blockmesh into their arms and the effect will appear, correct me if i’m wrong though.
how would I go with removing the meshes?
wait I got it to remove the package let me try removing accessories
for _,v in ipairs(character:GetChildren()) do
if v:IsA("Part") and not v.Name == "Head" then
local m = Instance.new("SpecialMesh")
m.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.Brick
m.Parent = v
this is how grg does it, after removing the player’s packagemeshes you can then insert a brick mesh which will add the studs and stuff grg has.
ServerScriptService would work fine.
protip: instead of writing so many replies you can edit your messages and add on to those instead for simillar questions.
this is what happens:
for _,v in ipairs(character:GetChildren()) do
if v:IsA("Part") and not v.Name == "Head" then
local m = Instance.new("SpecialMesh")
m.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.Brick
m.Parent = v
basically nothing
you didnt remove the packagemeshes, you have to do that first.
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
for _,v in ipairs(character:GetChildren()) do
if v:IsA("Part") and v.Name ~= "Head" then
local m = Instance.new("SpecialMesh")
m.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.Brick
m.Parent = v
try this, my bad
I’m about to go out so if this doesn’t work im sure you can figure it out.
thanks! it works, but one final question, how would I change the torso and legs colors? and change the face to default, if you have to go then I can just try to figure it out myself.
if you haven’t figured it out already you’d change the color property inside bodycolors inside of the character
don’t worry, I have. took me about 1 and a half hours to change the torso and legs color and change the current face to the default face.