Help with statue i'm working on, it isn't placing accessory items on correctly

so i need help with this statue i have and edited around. some reason whoever made it, made it to where the accessory items get placed only on the head of the statue, how could i change this? i know where the location is that i need to change least in that area"marked it" and i can’t figure out what i need to add there cause i think i would need to figure out how i could make it add accessory type as well so it gets placed on statue correctly. but i have no idea how or where to start

local Loader = {}

function Loader:resetModel(Model)
	for _, Object in next, Model:GetChildren() do
		if Object:IsA('CharacterMesh') or Object:IsA('Shirt') or Object:IsA('Pants') or Object:IsA('Hat') or Object:IsA('ShirtGraphic') then
	if Model.Head:findFirstChild('Mesh') then

function Loader:updateModel(Model, userId)
	local AppModel = game.Players:GetCharacterAppearanceAsync(userId)
	Model.Name = game.Players:GetNameFromUserIdAsync(userId)
	for _, Object in next, AppModel:GetChildren() do
		if Object:IsA('SpecialMesh') or Object:IsA('BlockMesh') or Object:IsA('CylinderMesh') then
			Object.Parent = Model.Head
		elseif Object:IsA('Decal') then
			Model.Head.face.Texture = Object.Texture
		elseif Object:IsA('BodyColors') or Object:IsA('CharacterMesh') or Object:IsA('Shirt') or Object:IsA('Pants') or Object:IsA('ShirtGraphic') then
			if Model:findFirstChild('Body Colors') then
				Model['Body Colors']:Destroy()
			Object.Parent = Model
		elseif Object:IsA('Accessory') then
			Object.Parent = Model
			 --what do i change it to?
		elseif Object:IsA('Folder') then
			if Object.Name == 'R6' then
				Object:GetChildren()[1].Parent = Model

	if not Model.Head:FindFirstChild('Mesh') then
		local m ='SpecialMesh', Model.Head)
		m.MeshType = Enum.MeshType.Head
		m.Scale =, 1.25, 1.25)

return Loader

Make sure the accessory contains Handle and there is a head attachment inside of the Handle

the statue’s player is based on a players score ingame. so it changes to a top winner player basically and uses what they have/character on the statue.

so basically the script is suppose to have accessorys added to the statue. the statue isn’t just a regular normal statue lol

so to what you’re saying. um yea there is already attachments added to the accessory’s. and i checked the properties of what gets added to the statue. and everything seems to be fine.

so this is what happens when the statue loads the top player. it moves all their accessories on head some reason. and i can’t figure a fix

Have you tried using Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId and Humanoid:ApplyDescription?

It would make the process a lot less painful, since it handles applying accessories and modifying the character’s appearance for you.

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no i haven’t tried that yet or heard of that yet lol. i’ll look into it more after work. thank you for telling me

If the statue is R6, even using Humanoid:ApplyDescription as @Maximum_ADHD said can sometimes bug out the accessories as well. If you want it to apply the best, make sure the statue is R15 and is rigged properly.

i can’t make it r15 i’m not sure how honestly. i’m so used to the original classic roblox coding and etc. all this new stuff is new to me i been most active around when tix was available lol