Help With Strings

Ok what i want to do is very specific.
I want to generate a random letter from A-Z then compare that letter to the first letter in a string.

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Random letter:

local randomLetter = string.char(math.random(97,122))
local s = "abc123"
local firstLetter= string.sub(s, 1, 1)


--you will need lower case in order to compare characters
print(randomLetter:lower() == firstLetter:lower())

you could also do this

local String = "abc123"
local RandomCharacter = string.char(math.random(97,122))

if string.match(String:lower(), "^"..RandomCharacter:lower()) then

both options work

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This might be a stupid question but what does the String I and String J stand for.

This diagram should illustrate it:

It’s a thing you learn when learning string manipulation in any language.

Thank you! I’m new to editing strings with code and other things like that, You have been very helpful.

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