So I am currently working on a plugin that allows for custom commands, what I mean by that, is that any time you type something out in the script editor, then close the script editor it gets translated to code that lua can read.
My problem is that when you look at the script, turning it back to the simple command.
This is what the command looks like
game:GetCS('Name',true,true,30) -- Arguments are the name, if it should wait for the service to load, if it should require the service, and then the last one is wait time.
Then once you close the script, this is what you get:
Now again, the problem is turning it back to that command we had to begin with, especially when we take into account that the command wont always start on the first couple of characters of that line of the code, for instance, what if we use it as a variable?
local CustomService = require(game.ServerStorage:WaitForChild('CustomServices',30):WaitForChild('Name',30))
Finding this becomes harder when we take into account the arguments, for instance if the first bool value is false, the WaitForChild’s are removed, or if I change the name, well no duh the names gonna change, same can be said for the rest of the values.
So how can I go about finding this? Converting it back to the GetCS is the easy part, the hard part, again, is just finding it.