I want to Fix this Stun Handler up, but for some reason, the Value in the StunTable[Enemy] doesn’t change!
I’ve tried everything I could but I just couldn’t get it to update its value in the repeat loop for some reason.
For exmaple:
I run the function with a Duration of 2, and after I re-run it 1 second later and a duration of 2 again, it still keeps repeating the function I ran the first time.
function ModifierHandler:Stun(Enemy, Duration)
local Duration = Duration or 0;
if (not StunTable[Enemy]) then
StunTable[Enemy] = Duration;
SpeedHandler:ChangeSpeed(Enemy, 4, 0);
StateHandler:UpdateState(Enemy, "Stunned", true);
StunTable[Enemy] -= task.wait();
until StunTable[Enemy] <= 0;
StateHandler:UpdateState(Enemy, "Stunned", false);
SpeedHandler:ChangeSpeed(Enemy, "default", "default");
StunTable[Enemy] = nil;
elseif (Duration >= StunTable[Enemy]) then
StunTable[Enemy] = Duration;