Help with Teleporting a player to a different server

so i have an event that when it happens it asks the player if they want to stay or leave, if they click leave it should switch their server to another server,

How should it work?: if their server is the only server that exists, it should tp them to a new server and make a new server for them, much like how type soul’s system works if youre familiar,

how would i go about making a system like this? because rn i only know about teleporting the player to the game.PlaceId, but idk how to make it not join the server you just exited out of.

GuiButton | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

TextButton | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

TeleportService | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

When a player activates a button, use teleport service to teleport them away.
Refer to the documentation for code examples

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i know how to use it, the only thing i know is :teleport and :teleportasync and it teleports them to the same server from what i know, is there any way to make it not teleport to the same server?

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pretty sure i found out, im pretty sure teleportpartyasync works, ill mark it as a solution if it works.