Help with textbox and table.sort

Any suggestions on how do i sort table accordingly to textbox text?

Currently i have this:

table.sort(pets, function(a,b)

    return a.Name == Text

It gives: 39: invalid order function for sorting

To properly use table.sort(), the sort function should return consistent results, a boolean, when a is b or b is a. Could you provide some specifics on what kind of table pets is and how you want them sorted?

For example, the textbox text is cat, the table.sort function should sort table so the pet with name “cat” in the table will become on the top of it

Pets = { {Name = “Dog”} , {Name = “Cat”} , {Name = “Dog”} }

it should become

Pets = { {Name = “Cat”} , {Name = “Dog”} , {Name = “Dog”} }

local function sortPetsByName(searchName: string)
	searchName = searchName:lower()
	table.sort(pets, function(a, b)
		if a.Name:lower():match(searchName) then
			return true
		elseif b.Name:lower():match(searchName) then
			-- return false if B matches the search name so that any matches are not pushed further down the table
			return false
		-- normal alphabetical sort if neither A or B match the searching name
		return a.Name < b.Name


well, it gives “invalid order function for sorting” error

Did you change how the pets table is formatted?

what do you mean formatted?

print(typeof(pets)) → table

I used the format of the pets table that you supplied, and this works in every case

Full source:

local pets = {
	{ Name = "Dog" },
	{ Name = "Bear" },
	{ Name = "Cat" },
	{ Name = "Polar Bear" },
	{ Name = "Cat" },
	{ Name = "Peacock" }

local function sortPetsByName(searchName: string)
	searchName = searchName:lower()
	table.sort(pets, function(a, b)
		if a.Name:lower():match(searchName) then
			return true
		elseif b.Name:lower():match(searchName) then
			-- return false if B matches the search name so that any matches are not pushed further down the table
			return false
		-- normal alphabetical sort if neither A or B match the searching name
		return a.Name < b.Name


It works now, ty!

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