Help with textbutton code

Basically I’m making a button where if you own a gamepass you can enable something called gode mode where you can’t die from parts that kill you (I’m making an obby)

I have a script in ServerScriptService that tells the Kill parts to kill the humanoid:

local KillBricksFolder = game.Workspace.KillParts
local EasyModeButton = game.StarterGui.EasyMode.EasyModeButton

for _, KillBrick in pairs(KillBricksFolder:GetChildren()) do
		local humanoid = touchPart.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
		if humanoid then humanoid.Health = 0

So what I’m trying to do is make a gamepass called god mode where you can enable god mode when you press a textbutton. I want the script above to check if the textbutton says says something specific like “God Mode Enabled”

Next I need to know how I can code the button to where if you press the button it checks if you own the gamepass. If you own the gamepass then it will change the text. If you don’t own the gamepass it will prompt you to buy the gamepass and the text will not change.

Can someone type the script out and explain it to me do I can understand what to do? I’m trying to learn how to script and I want to learn.

Also I’m trying to make something similar to this: Easy Mode! - Roblox

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I see what you’re trying to do:

Make sure to put an RemoteEvent somewhere.

TextButton localscript: (StarterGUI)

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Market = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")
local Button = script.Parent
local RemoteEvent = game.ReplicatedStorage.GodMode -- you can change "game.replicatedStorage" to wherever the event is

if Market:UserOwnGamepassAsync(Player.UserId,[[Gamepass id Goes here]]) then
     Button.Visible = true
     Button.Visible = false


For the event handling, have a script somewhere, I’d probably put it in Workspace.

     local God ="BoolValue",player)
     God.Name = "GodMode"
     God.Value = false
   if user == player then
      God.Value = not God.Value


For the script that you have above, the for loop will just need to be adjusted:

for _, KillBrick in pairs(KillBricksFolder:GetChildren()) do
		local humanoid = touchPart.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
		if humanoid then 
			local plr = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(touchPart.Parent)
                        if not plr.GodMode.Value then
                              humanoid.Health = 0
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you should be using game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter as it’s faster and more reliable.
you could have a value in workspace be set to true if they have the gamepass and check if the value is true before setting their health to 0.

How can I get the TextButton to prompt the player to buy the gamepass if they don’t own it? Can I just use Market:PromptGamePassPurchase(Player, Gamepass ID)???

I think using a value would be better. How would I code this?

According to my ‘knowledge’. I might help you solve the code.

local KillBricksFolder = game.Workspace.KillParts
local EasyModeButton = game.StarterGui.EasyMode.EasyModeButton

for _, KillBrick in pairs(KillBricksFolder:GetChildren()) do

   local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(touchPart.Parent)

   if player then
      local ownGamepass
      local success, err = pcall(function()
      ownGamepass = game:GetServices("MarketplaceService"):UserOwnsGamePassAsync(player.UserId, YourGamepassIdHere)
      if ownGamepass then
         local humanoid = player.Character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
         if humanoid then
            humanoid.Health = 0


I’m not sure if it will work but if you see any errors, please provide the error code from the output.

I’m trying to make it to where if the TextButton Text is something specific then the humanoid.Health = 100 instead of 0 because if the god mode is enabled then we don’t want to kill the player. If the player owns the pass then they can press the button to enable god mode but if they don’t own it then the button will prompt you to buy the gamepass.

Ah, so you need to use the MarketPlaceService if you want to prompt the player purchase.

I know… I just need the kill parts to not kill the player if the god mode is on. you need to buy the god mode gamepass to toggle it. You need to press a TextButton to toggle it…

I say use the remoteEvent.

So, when you toggle it, you will need to tell the remoteEvent that the player is switching it on.
You need like a boolean.

Check if they don’t have it first.

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