Help with the Roblox AI

Hello, I was trying to make a Military team Script on Roblox Studios using AI
but unfortunately it wouldn’t generate me one I had watched all videos about Roblox AI and Also turned on the beta features for AI on the beta features. Can I please get help?

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What are you trying to do exactly?

I was trying to make a team script with AI but when I tried typing it down it does nothing.

What do you mean by “team script”?

I was trying to get that AI to make me a Custom roblox team script so I dont have to use other peoples or by video.

You didn’t answer my question though. What do you mean by team script?

If you open the output, it will tell you if it can’t generate the code. “Empty Code Suggestion” or something.

Also the AI Scripting can’t generate entire scripts without many, many details. You are better off writing telling it what to do on each line. Or just learn scripting, which is probably the best option

Never rely on AI for scripting
Learn how to script, AI will never be able to do exactly what you want

The feature is supposed to be used to make it easier for developers to fix existing code or create lines of code that would be repetitive and time consuming


Thats what I was doing I made a team script so I wanted to know how to work it or something I dont really know how AI works I really want to know how it work?

you have to specify more what you want the script to do, not just “write me a team script” you would write “write me a team script which makes a player join a random team when the player joins the game” (example of course). Try being more specific that may help. But like CupOfVibes said, you should really learn how to script. your better off learning than relying on ai which is still in beta.

I guess your right I am still learning Lua.

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