Help with this, again

I need help, again. I’ve looked everywhere and cannot find a working tutorial that makes UI fit on every screen. It works perfectly on PC but on iPhone and iPads it’s all weird (photos below). I know a ton of people have asked this and gotten solutions but none of them worked for me. Same with plugins. Could somebody help? I’m really new to making UI and would like some help. (Yes I’ve posted something similar to this already but this is different.)

Have you tried using AutoScale?


I have, I will try again though. It didn’t work the first time I tried it!


Kinda embarrassed to say this, but what one do I press. That’s probably why it didn’t work for me last time lol.

Screenshot (75)

Basically, just select your GUI object, press “Unit Conversion” and select “Scale” for both position and size. Check out this video for more.

I did what the video said but it didn’t scale correctly and still looks off.

I assume you tried UIAspectRatioConstraint, and UIScale correct?

Yes, that’s correct. Unless I did something wrong with them, when I did both it didn’t do anything really.

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