I’m trying to customise the current ROBLOX ski tool.
local leftPole = New'Part'
Name = 'LeftPole';
FormFactor = 'Custom';
Size = Vector3.new(0.3, 0.3, 4);
TopSurface = 'Smooth';
BottomSurface = 'Smooth';
CanCollide = false;
TextureId = GetAssetUrl(POLE_TEXTURE);
MeshId = GetAssetUrl(POLE_MESH);
Scale = Vector3.new(3, 3, 3)
How would I change New’SpecialMesh’ to a Model? Im doing this because I’ve split my meshes into 3 pieces to allow for texturing.
I’m a newbie at Lua Scripting so please provide a simple answer, and the fix for it.
The (path) for this is: Workspace.Skis.ski_pole
Assuming that New is converting arrays into children and key/value pairs into properties, you can make it like so. You’ll have to edit each part’s properties and such as you see fit though (like positions).
local model = New 'Model'
New 'Part'
Name = 'FirstPart';
FormFactor = 'Custom';
Size = Vector3.new(0.3, 0.3, 4);
TopSurface = 'Smooth';
BottomSurface = 'Smooth';
CanCollide = false;
TextureId = GetAssetUrl(FIRST_TEXTURE);
MeshId = GetAssetUrl(FIRST_MESH);
New 'Part'
Name = 'SecondPart';
FormFactor = 'Custom';
Size = Vector3.new(0.3, 0.3, 4);
TopSurface = 'Smooth';
BottomSurface = 'Smooth';
CanCollide = false;
TextureId = GetAssetUrl(SECOND_TEXTURE);
MeshId = GetAssetUrl(SECOND_MESH);
New 'Part'
Name = 'ThirdPart';
FormFactor = 'Custom';
Size = Vector3.new(0.3, 0.3, 4);
TopSurface = 'Smooth';
BottomSurface = 'Smooth';
CanCollide = false;
TextureId = GetAssetUrl(THIRD_TEXTURE);
MeshId = GetAssetUrl(THIRD_MESH);
Yeah it wasn’t working thanks, ill edit this if its fixed.
Slight issue now, how do i rotate this and make it a appropriate size?
For that, you’ll have to ask a builder! I’m no builder. You need to set the CFrame and change the Scale of the meshes. Or, maybe a weld…
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