Help with this small shop

Hello, I need help with this small shop, what should I add and delete/fix?


It’s a very rough start but it still needs alot of work such as:
Outdoor Decor
Enviromental Life
And so on.

Also the floor needs to be filled in, but you got a good idea going!


Its an interior only shop
its a tp in

Well other than that, fill in the place with props like plant pots, couches etc and you’d be on your way!

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Can you provide a link to the place so I check it out in more detail?

Ok, thx for that, dont i know you?

I cant atm becasue we havent yet scripted the shop tp

I’m just interested in the building, you could easily place a spawn location inside of the shop that’ll allow me to check it out. All good though if you want to add a shop teleport first.

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ok i can do that

You probably do if you’re on Twitter.

What about discord, do you know who pam is?

It’s done. You can go on my profile, it’s on my group page.

I would put an NPC here. Add some furniture to be displayed in the shop that is forsale. Also add some posters advertising ingame passes.

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Maybe make the place bigger since you only have to worry about the interior. In case the place gets overcrowded with furniture.

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Ah yes I knew a Pam, wait are you the guy that made that Cafe?

No I am not the person who made the cafe, but Pam has told me about you and your amazing, realistic building skills.

Ah okay, I guess that’s good to hear, thanks!

You should add some decors like small plants, maybe some shelves and because its a furniture shop you should add some furniture in there :stuck_out_tongue:
Also make the shop bigger, its too small for a furniture store.

Since it is a shop add a cashier register maybe and also maybe add display furniture. Good luck!

This is the New shop, I think it still looks a bit dull. Anything else to add or is this good?