Help With Timed Banned Script

I am trying to make a timed ban script and I’m not sure how to go through with it to ensure it works correctly. Here’s my script right now

local BannedPlayers = {} -- Table to store all banned players.

local players = game:GetService("Players")
local BanReason = script.Parent.Parent.BanReason
local PlayerUserNameBox = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.PlayerManagementFrame.PlayerUsername
local BanRemote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").BanRemote

BanRemote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, TargetPlayer, OfficialBanReason, BanDuration)
	local daysToBeBanned = BanDuration * 86400
	if plr then
		local playerToBan = game.Players:WaitForChild(TargetPlayer)
		if playerToBan then

	if BannedPlayers[bannedplayer] then
		bannedplayer:Kick("You are banned from U.C.G.")

What I want is to have some sort of timer that continues to count while the banned player isn’t in game, but only count for that player. I have local daysToBeBanned = BanDuration * 86400 to tell the script how many seconds to wait. (there’s a private UI that has a text box, which asks you to type the amount of days to ban that specific player e.g., “1” = 1 day)

I just don’t know how to do this.

Help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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when the player is banned you should save this in a ban datastore with the player userid being the key, and the value being the unix timestamp of when their ban ends. When a player joins, you should lookup their userid in the datastore, and check if they have a ban end time, and if the current unix time is < the end time, kick them from the server.

local BanDS = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("BannedPlayers")
local players = game:GetService("Players")
local BanReason = script.Parent.Parent.BanReason
local PlayerUserNameBox = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.PlayerManagementFrame.PlayerUsername
local BanRemote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").BanRemote

BanRemote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, TargetPlayer, OfficialBanReason, BanDuration)
	local secondsToBeBanned = BanDuration * 86400
	if plr then
		local playerToBan = game.Players:WaitForChild(TargetPlayer)
		if playerToBan then

	local val = BanDS:GetAsync(plr.UserId)
	if val and os.time() < val then
		plr:Kick("still banned")
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just use the new ban api lol


o i didnt even know this was a thing

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Okay. I just tried this, I’m getting no errors, but It’s just doing a normal kick and they player is able to join back. Here’s me Local Script:

local players = game:GetService("Players")
local player = players.LocalPlayer
local BanReason = script.Parent.Parent.BanReason
local BanDuration = script.Parent.Parent.BanDuration
local PlayerUserNameBox = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.PlayerManagementFrame.PlayerUsername
local BanRemote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").BanRemote

	local EnteredUsername = PlayerUserNameBox.text
	local TargetPlayer = game.Players:FindFirstChild(EnteredUsername)
	print("Entered username to ban is: " .. TargetPlayer.Name)
	local OfficialBanReason = BanReason.Text
	local OfficialBanDuration = BanDuration.Text
	BanRemote:FireServer(TargetPlayer, OfficialBanReason, OfficialBanDuration)
	print(player.Name .. " Fired BanRemote")

and here’s my server script:

local players = game:GetService("Players")
local BanRemote = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage").BanRemote

BanRemote.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(plr, TargetPlayer, OfficialBanReason, OfficialBanDuration)
	if plr then
		local playerToban = players:GetUserIdFromNameAsync(TargetPlayer.Name)
		print("Player targetted to ban is: " .. TargetPlayer.Name .. "(" .. playerToban .. ")")
		local DurationforBan = tonumber(OfficialBanDuration)
		print("Player's ban duration is: " .. DurationforBan)
			UserIds = {playerToban},
			Duration = DurationforBan,
			DisplayReason = OfficialBanReason,
			PrivateReason = OfficialBanReason
		print("Banned: " .. TargetPlayer.Name)

please help. Thank you.

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What do the prints show in your output?

Thank you for the reply! I got an error for that change though:

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Oh yeah I didn’t realize that was already the ID. The problem is your duration is 1 (1 second)

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I want these seconds to be days. How do I go about doing so?

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1 * 86400
^ # of days


local DurationforBan = tonumber(OfficialBanDuration) * 86400

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It works! but is there a way I can make the ban message say days instead of minutes?

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Roblox should automatically format it to the time they have left in the message (I think). If not, there’s no other way


Divide the minutes by 1440 and do math.ceil which would give you minutes to days

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Thanks for the reply! How would that be typed into the script?

you can’t update the ban message to show the time that’s left on a ban, roblox automatically shows the time that’s left. the only thing you can do is show the initial ban time which isn’t ideal because they can join a few days later and find out they’re banned and the # of days wouldn’t have decreased

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Oh I see. Well thank you for the heads up!

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