Help with timer and smoke effect

So i have a “timer” that counts down from 2 minutes, I want a smoke effect to start working when the text on the timer is on 1 minute, Here is the script i thought would help but isnt working at all:

local smoke = script.Parent:FindFirstChild(“Smoke”)
smoke.Enabled = false

local timerLabel = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Timer.SurfaceGui.Frame.TextLabel

while true do
if timerLabel.Text == “1:00” then
smoke.Enabled = true
break – Exit the loop once the condition is met
wait(1) – Check every second

if i were you i would use an integervalue to count down from 2 minutes, with the text only displaying the time instead of being a variable (if timerLabel.RemainingTime.Value <= “60” then)

Could you send me the best and easiest script?

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try this:

local smoke = script.Parent:FindFirstChild(“Smoke”)
smoke.Enabled = false

local timerLabel = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Timer.SurfaceGui.Frame.TextLabel

    if timerLabel.Text == "1:00" then
        smoke.Enabled = true
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didnt work, it didnt start… ):

any errors coming up in the output, can u also show the timer script

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local smoke = script.Parent:FindFirstChild(“Smoke”)
smoke.Enabled = false

local timerLabel = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Timer.SurfaceGui.Frame.TextLabel
local timerv = timerLabel.TimeLeft --integer value btw
while timerv.Value > 0 do 
timerv.Value -= 1
-- idk how to make a number go into minutes so you figure that out :D
--smoke part
if timerv.Value == 60 then
smoke.Enabled = true

this SHOULD work

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I found another way on my own, thanks a lot tho

i found another way, tysm anyway!!!