Help with Timer counting minutes, seconds and milliseconds

So as i’m working on my JToH Fangame, i really wanted a timer. However, i dont know what scripts to use for a timer thats counting minutes, seconds and milliseconds.

Any help would be appreciated! :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:

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oops my bad

time = 0
while true do
time +1

is that countdown or second counting?

what i mean is, it goes to 00:00:00 and never ends till someone reaches the winpad, and the timer stops

i will try that if it works brb

will the time be displayed on GUI?

yeah it will. background transparent black, text white and font cartoon

have you scripted the gui yet?

yeah wait i need to go studio brb

local StartTime
local TSeconds = 0
local Minutes = 0
local Seconds = 0
local Mseconds = 0
local Started = false
local GL
local TS=game:GetService’TweenService’
function game.ReplicatedStorage.RequestTime.OnClientInvoke()
return TSeconds,Minutes,Seconds,Mseconds
function game.ReplicatedStorage.RequestToolInfo.OnClientInvoke()
return GL
function _G:ToggleRestartLabel(v)
local and _G.QuickResetDelay or 3 or .5,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.Out)
local tw=TS:Create(script.Parent.Restart,info,{TextTransparency=v and 0 or 1})
if Object.Name == “InTower” then
if Started ~= true then
Started = true
GL = {}
StartTime = workspace.DistributedGameTime
local TowerName = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild(“Humanoid”):WaitForChild(“InTower”).Value
local findgear = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChildOfClass(“Tool”)
if findgear then
–if findgear.Name == “Vertical Mobility” or findgear.Name == “Bootleg Coil” then
–for index,value in pairs(GL) do
– if index == findgear.Name then
– print(GL[index])
GL[findgear.Name] = true
– end
Minutes = math.floor(math.floor(workspace.DistributedGameTime-StartTime)/(601))
Seconds = math.floor(math.floor(workspace.DistributedGameTime-StartTime)/(1))%(60)
Mseconds = math.floor((workspace.DistributedGameTime-StartTime)
script.Parent.TextLabel.Text = string.format(‘%s:%02i.%02i’,Minutes,Seconds,Mseconds)
until game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild(“Humanoid”).Health <= 0 or game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:WaitForChild(“Humanoid”):FindFirstChild(“InTower”) == nil
local Win = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”):FindFirstChild(“Win”)
if Win then
if TowerName ~= “ToA” or TowerName ~= “ToM” then
– game.ReplicatedStorage.WinTower:FireServer(“[""]:”…" has beaten: “…”"..findabbr(TowerName).."“…” in “…(”"..Minutes..":"..Seconds..":"..Mseconds.."“)…”\n Used VM: “…”“…VM…”“…”\n Used BGC: “…”“…BGC…”")
if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild(“Humanoid”).Health ~= 0 and Win then
script.Parent.TextLabel.Text = “0:00.00”
Started = false

ik not well pasted but i tried okay

and yes its a local script, so yeah

local count = 0
while true do
count = count +1

Here is your second counter


local count = 0
while true do
count += 1

oh well i meant it goes from 00:00.00 (first one is minutes, second one is seconds and third one is milliseconds) and it wont stop till the player reaches the winpad (timer starts when player enters tower portal)

Just do some maths based off the counter and here you go.
For hours it is seconds/3600
For minutes it is seconds/60
For miliseconds it is seconds*100

I suggest you use RunService and a variable that holds a timestamp such as os.clock().

local RunService = game:GetService'RunService'
local TextLabel = script.Parent

-- Save a time when you start the tower
local Start = os.clock()

local Timer = RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function()
	-- The time in seconds that has elapsed since the "Start" time
	local Elapsed = os.clock() - Start
	-- Get the minutes elapsed by dividing the current seconds by 60
	-- and rounding down with math.floor
	local Minutes = math.floor(Elapsed / 60)
	-- Get the seconds elapsed by getting the remainder of a
	-- division by 60 and then rounding it down
	local Seconds = math.floor(Elapsed % 60)
	-- Get the milliseconds elapsed by getting the remainder of a
	-- division by 1 (aka just the decimal number)
	local Milliseconds = (Elapsed % 1) * 100
	-- Since you wanted your time to look like 00:00.00,
	-- the format you want is "%.2d : %.2d . %.2d"
	-- %.2d is just a format that makes a number always have at least 2 digits
	-- (00, 01, 09, etc.)
	TextLabel.Text = string.format("%.2d:%.2d.%.2d", Minutes, Seconds, Milliseconds)

You would obviously need to implement this into your game properly to restart the timer whenever you restart a tower, save the time when you finish a tower, etc.


Yo hey, how can i start the timer Manual and reset it, like for a Race?