Hey! How would I give every player on a certain team a tool?
I’m not talking about team tools but instead more of a riot thing.
Once the riot starts, how would I give all players on a said team a tool.
Hey! How would I give every player on a certain team a tool?
I’m not talking about team tools but instead more of a riot thing.
Once the riot starts, how would I give all players on a said team a tool.
local team = "YourTeam"
for _,Player in pairs(game.Teams:FindFirstChild(team):GetPlayers()) do
local Gear = game.ReplicatedStorage["YourTool"]:Clone()
Gear.Parent= Player.Backpack
--rest of code
thanks for your help!
blah blah
Wouldn’t it be better to have the tool saved in Server Storage? Exploiters would get the tool any time they want to.
You can, but you won’t have access to ServerStorage in-game. So depending on what you’re working with [ only through server]
I already changed it to Server Storage.