Help with tool respawning script

I am trying to make a respawning script for tools, and the script I devised didn’t work properly. The tool would spawn five times every five seconds, which is very weird.

Server script located inside of the tool.

BackUp = script.Parent:Clone()

while wait(5) do
	if script.Parent ~= workspace then
		BackUp:Clone().Parent = workspace

Any help is appreciated!

After this line put break which will stop the loop

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When I start playing the game, it spawns the tool every five seconds, when I pick the tool up, it stops spawning the tool.

Why are you trying to clone the backup twice?

I don’t know, I just did it for no reason, I removed that and the same issue happens.


local BackUp = script.Parent:Clone()

while wait(5) do
	if script.Parent ~= workspace then
		BackUp.Parent = game.Workspace

The exact same thing happened.

oh then u have to clone after it goes to workspace so try

        local BackUp = script.Parent:Clone()

        while wait(5) do
        	if script.Parent ~= workspace then
        		BackUp.Parent = game.Workspace
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The same thing happened. I want the tool to only respawn when the tool’s parent isn’t workspace, the script you showed makes the tool spawn forever, not when the tool’s parent isn’t workspace.

oh okay, then how many seconds do u want it to wait to respawn and where does the tool stay if not in workspace?

If you’re trying to make the tool respond when it’s destroyed, try using the AncestoryChanged event on the tool to bind a function that checks if the new ancestory is no longer within the game by calling tool:IsDescendantOf(game). If any instance is not a descendant of ‘game’ than it has been destroyed.

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My PC crashed after testing the script, let me look through my auto recovery file.

I had a lot of un saved work, wow.

EDIT: script that crashed my pc woo:

local BackUp = script.Parent:Clone()

	if not script.Parent:IsAncestorOf(workspace) then
		BackUp.Parent = workspace

I got everything back and saved, don’t worry.

Ah, I see the problem, you used “IsAncestorOf” instead of “IsDescendantOf”, you’ve basically been checking if the entire workspace is a child of your tool. This, along with the fact that the script is stored in the tool, so it starts running, and makes the connection immediately after being cloned in, will make another clone and move it to the workspace when it is moved to the workspace, creating an infinite loop.

(Also, I meant for this to be a new reply, but I somehow opened the edit window instead, sorry)

Please add debounce before you crash roblox studio, I figured out why the script crashed studio, it was from not having debounce.

I also recommend with the fix that I put in my (accidentally) editted comment is to create a bool value as a child of the script that must be ticked before it can run, something like:

local run = script:WaitForChild("run")

if not run.Value then

This will prevent the anything after the code from running until the bool value has been changed, putting a debounce on the code

(‘run’ in this case is a BoolValue instance)

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Why don’t I just use normal debounce, or why don’t I just make the BoolValue a variable inside of the script?

A regular debounce won’t do anything, as it would be local to the new script’s environment. remember, the AncestryChanged connection isn’t the same connection for every tool, but rather each tool makes its own isolated connection, so the debounce applied in one script only affects that script and no others. Ideally, a method to disconnect the event after it has fired once should be implemented, so that tools aren’t spawned everytime the player unequips the tool, something like this:

local Connection

Connection = script.Parent.AncestryChanged:Connect(function()
	if not script.Parent:IsDescendantOf(workspace) then
		BackUp.Parent = workspace

This will make the function disconnect its own connection when it is called, preventing multiple from spawning from the same tool.

The BoolValue allows other scripts to more easily influence the script in the tool. It initially starts off, then proceeds when given the go ahead by another script when its supposed to, in this case the script that cloned it, as it is controlling the flow of events and knows when is the right time to let the script do its thing so that it doesn’t break anything, like so:

local Connection

Connection = script.Parent.AncestryChanged:Connect(function()
	if not script.Parent:IsDescendantOf(workspace) then
		BackUp.Parent = workspace
		BackUp:WaitForChild("Script"):WaitForChild("run").Value = true

this will make sure that the new script only makes the ancestry changed connection when it is sure that it is in the right spot to not fire it immediately.

It should be noted that with this method, the script needs a new, completely unrelated script to get the original tool working, as it doesn’t have anything currently to check off run for it. You could get around this by starting with run as True, but set it to False after the check but before cloning the backup, so that the backup doesn’t run immediately:

if not run.Value then

run.Value = false

local BackUp = script.Parent:Clone()
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For some reason, it isn’t working. When ever you unequip the tool, a new tool spawns in. Here are the scripts:

Respawn script:

local BackUp = script.Parent:Clone()

local Connection

Connection = script.Parent.AncestryChanged:Connect(function()
	if not script.Parent:IsDescendantOf(workspace) then
		BackUp.Parent = workspace
		BackUp:WaitForChild("Script"):WaitForChild("run").Value = true

Run script:

local run =

if not run.Value then

run.Value = false

local BackUp = script.Parent:Clone()

Image of script locations:


Ah, sorry if I was a bit vague, everything I put in code in my previous posts should be in the same script. just different parts of it. This is the whole thing:

local run = script:WaitForChild("run")

if not run.Value then

run.Value = false

local BackUp = script.Parent:Clone()

local Connection

Connection = script.Parent.AncestryChanged:Connect(function()
	if not script.Parent:IsDescendantOf(workspace) then
		BackUp.Parent = workspace
		BackUp:WaitForChild("Script"):WaitForChild("run").Value = true

“Script” in WaitForChild(“Script”), should just be the name of the script. This is what my hierarchy looks like:

Hopefully this cleared things up

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The tool isn’t respawning ever, do you know why this is?