Help with tweenservice replication issue with server and client

local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")

local char = script.Parent
local hRP = char:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart")

local t

function f()
	local ___ = hRP:Clone()
	--___.Size =,1,1)
	___.Parent = hRP
	___.Massless =  true
	___.Transparency = 1
	___.CanCollide = false

	local w ="WeldConstraint",___)
	w.Part0 = hRP
	w.Part1 = ___
	t =	TweenService:Create(___,,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear,Enum.EasingDirection.Out,math.huge,true),{Size =,0,0)})


This function inside my script does as it should when you run in studio, but if you select play and a player is present for some reason it doesn’t work. The movement doesn’t replicate to the player at all.

The tween is actually cool, it literally lets you phase through blocks while still being able to walk over platforms, stairs, climb etc.

Changing networkownership of parts doesn’t change anything either

How do you place the script into the Character?

Are you doing this through StarterCharacterScripts?

Also, is the script local or server-sided?

This is a server-sided script on an NPC.

To help with debugging, consider refering to Roblox’s Lua Style guide. Roblox Lua Style guide

It may help with further understanding what your code does in a meaningful way.

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