Help with UI Elements

Is there a Layout Object for UI that will act like a GridLayout but won’t affect the size?

I think you should move this post to #help-and-feedback:art-design-support.


Unfortunately, I don’t know of any other layout object that works in the same fashion as UIGridLayout. However you can use a UIAspectRatioConstraint, to overide the aspect ratio of grid cells, by parenting said constraint inside the UIGridLayout. This allows you to control the aspect ratio manually, instead of letting the UIGridLayout handle it.

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I’m trying to make a UI like this.

In this case, maybe using multiple UIListLayout’s inside of frames, would work better. They do not interfere with the size of your GUIs, and have a nifty padding property for spacing your them out.

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No, GridLayout is the only way to layout objects of a UI in a grid. Possibly try positioning the items yourself.

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