Help with ui scale issue

Im having an issue with my ui where i cant keep the ui in the corner for all aspect ratios, when i scale my screen size down the ui moves up while staying relative to where i want it on the side but not the bottom as shown in the video,

i have a UIAspectRatioConstraint added to the main frame that’s holding all the contents, and its set to ScaleWithParentSize, im using Scale instead of offset fr all my content so there is no issue there, everything is anchored correctly.

Please if you have any idea of any plugins that could help with this do let me know, i have been stuck on this for over a week now!

Images would be appreciated instead of a download file.


Sorry for bumping this empty thread four days later, I assume you figured it out by now but I’ll answer regardless. Your problem is with your UIAspectRatioConstraint. If you are using plugins then stop using them. Delete UIAspectRatioConstraint if they were added by a plugin.

Here’s how I usually do it. Add a UIAspectRatioConstraint and set it to ScaleWithParentSize. Then you’ll need to do this part on your own to find the exact properties that fit your GUI. Go to the Aspect Ratio of the UIAspectRatioConstraint and drag the slider until the GUI fits the way you want on all displays.