Help With Understanding VectorToWordSpace and lookvector

Why to work out lookvector using VectorToWordSpace always require negative 1 on the z plane

For example:
Yes look vector would be equal to negative 1 on the z axis because its facing the opposite of the z axis. So to get it using VectorToWorldSpace it would be

part.CFrame:VectorToWorldSpace(0, 0, -1)

However if it was facing the opposite direction:
wouldn’t it now be

part.CFrame:VectorToWorldSpace(0, 0, 1)

to find the look vector?

VectorToWorldSpace takes a vector relative to a cframe, and converts it to a world space vector

No matter which way the part is facing,,0,-1) should always get the same face


Thanks I understand now, however I have another question. If you have a CFrame of a part, what does it do to it if you

CFrame:VectorToWorldSpace(, -1, 0))

how come it changes the values of the CFrame on X, Y and Z, not just Y?

What it basically does is add the rotations of the cframe and vector together

Say you have a part tilted 45 degrees upwards and put its cframe into that function, then you plug in,1,0) (which has a rotation of 90 degrees up)
The thing it returns to you would be a vector at 90+45, or 135 degrees
This would result in a vector like:
It has values in both the x and y directions because you rotated the vector 45 degrees into the x axis


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Thank you so much for the help, so basically the Vector3 in VectorToWorldSpace is all about orientation and not position?

The reason for me understanding this is because I’m trying to understand what is happening in the Jeep script in the suburban map on line 25

local hit, position =, thruster.CFrame:vectorToWorldSpace(, -1, 0)) * stats.Height.Value)

where ToWorldSpace is used for raycasting module ray (stats.Value is 3)

Yes, its all about orientation
It completely ignores the position, treats the vector3 like a direction, and returns a vector3 direction

Also Im not sure why he didnt just use


Because those two things are the exact same, one is just extremely simpler

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