I have a I have a purchase button spritesheet I made in after effects and for some reason it’s coming out like this?
This is what it’s supposed to look like with the spritesheet:
I am using the module from this post SpriteClip Sprite Sheet Animation Module
This is what I put for the settings. The spritesheet size is 4952x4800:
SpritesheetDemo.rbxl (60.7 KB)
Adornee = nil,
SpriteSheet = nil,
InheritSpriteSheet = true,
CurrentFrame = 0,
SpriteSizePixel = newVec2(598,59),
EdgeOffsetPixel = newVec2(1,0),
SpriteOffsetPixel = newVec2(1,0),
SpriteCount = 512,
SpriteCountX = 8,
FrameRate = 60,
FrameTime = 25,
Looped = false,
State = false,
Sorted = true,