Help with UV Unwrapping

First of all, I hope this is the right category

I have literally tried everything, and when I say this, I mean it.
Over watching 15+ videos on YouTube on how to unwrap,
and reading many many posts about this topic I still couldn’t fix
my issue about this.

The edges has been marked as seam, and I tried marking the edges as sharp as well.
Normal Unwrap, Smart UV Project were the ones I tried for unwrapping but it doesn’t seem to fix it.

I appreciate any help!

In roblox studio:

In blender:

Your UV map is correct. That’s not the problem.

Things to check:

  1. have you accepted all transformations (specifically rotation) in object mode?
  2. This texture, have you saved it as an image? It’s possible you rotated it in blender but the original is still unchanged.


Oh well, its set to this, should I change it to something else?image

Highlight the mesh, then Ctrl-A “Rotations and Scale.” Should not break anything in blender. Might fix the problem in Roblox.