Im trying to make it so that when you click a button, a value in workspace changes to a tool name.
When you get out of that screen and go to the main menu and click play, it gives the weapons (value in workspace)
The values names are
Im just trying to make it so that when you click play, the game clones all three tools into your inventory unless the values are nothing. I tried local scripts and normal.
Then from the ServerScript you can get all of your values from the RemoteEvent that we just fired and clone them, then parent them to the character or backpack.
Insert a StringValue into you button named “namechange”
Insert a ObjectValue into you button named “target” (point it to your target)
Insert a Script into your button and add the following code
-- assuming this is a button with a click detector or smth
script.Parent.ClickDetector.MouseClick:Connect(function() = script.Parent.namechange.Value;
Hope this example helps
Edit: The string in the stringValue is the new name