Help with welding

I am trying to fix a problem my client is having: he is complaining that the some of the parts in his spinning canister(like a spinning coin you collect) are misaligned when run. He is right, so I attempted move parts around like this:
Screen Shot 2021-11-20 at 5.29.06 PM

the gray parts on top have been moved

However when I move them, it ends up like this, without the gray parts:
Screen Shot 2021-11-20 at 5.33.31 PM

All parts are welded to one invisible part inside named “cool” . Here is a screenshot of my explorer:
Screen Shot 2021-11-20 at 5.34.59 PM

How can I change the welding and still have those parts spin with the others?
By the way, in the script named “Mine”, it doesn’t weld or modify any welding.


Probably because you’re using Welds, try WeldConstraints (which automatically do the math for you).


You also might be using Position instead of CFrame. Position is used to adjust welds, while CFrame doesn’t.

If you want an assembly to move together, weld all the parts together and move a central part (also only anchor the central part).

You can also use WeldScript!
It very convinience since you dont need to Weld every part in your model/tool