Hello, I already made a post on this topic today, but no one could help me especially, thanks to one person who made the spawn boxes, but this is not the point
I want to make a simulator (with my friend - a designer, builder), and we chose such a mechanic when you press E on the keyboard, you pick up a piece and sell, I have already done half of the mechanics of the game, but I require your help, I can’t do so when a player clicked on E, he selected a box, since there are random boxes that I put in ReplicatedStorage and made random
I repeat, I need to help with the script so that when a player approaches a random box, he presses on E and he had that box in his hands
In these screenshots I show you what I want to implement
Each of these carry CFrame positions. You can then create a weld which links the box to the Grip point.
You’d do this like so:
game:GetService("Players").PlayerAdded:Connect(function(plr) -- This is just to get the player itself
plr.CharacterAdded:Wait() -- Waits for the character
local char = plr.Character -- Identifies the character
local RightHand = char:FindFirstChild("RightHand") -- Identifies the Right Hand
local RightHandGrip = RightHand.RightGripAttachment
-- From here onwards is where you'd create the weld, you can wrap this in a function or insert it into your code
local Weld = instance.new("Weld")
Weld.Part0 = RightHand -- This realistically can be anything, but it will move with the right hand if you link it to the right hand
Weld.Part1 = [BoxVariable] -- You need to identify the box at some point
Weld.C0 = RightHandGrip.CFrame -- This is just the CFrame position of the Grip attachment to determine the position
Weld.C1 = [BoxVariable].CFrame -- The CFrame position of the Box variable
Weld.Parent = [BoxVariable] -- This then places the weld in the box
To drop the box, you just remove the weld
Let me know if theres any error in the code or errors in logic, I’m writing from memory and not testing in studio.
The logic itself of the script should make sense and should give you enough of an understanding to re-write or adapt this code to work for you.