Helpful Tips and Advice For Developers From Developers | Part Two

I think it would be cool to interview Zeekers if your planning to do a third one if your interested.

Iā€™ve read part 1 and part 2 fully, these tips are awful, also all the developers mentioned are beginner-intermediate level at best. Do it for fun donā€™t think about the money ?? Making a game is fun only at the start when you script the core mechanics, atleast for me since iā€™m a scripter, then when you actually want to release a game you start to understand how much work there is to make a playable and bug free fully fledged game, so ye you have to think about the money before even starting to make the game, if the monetization strategy is not good making that game is a waste of time (if you are already a competent dev) i agree with the tip make a game that you like and you would actually play, but think about the monetization strategy first, thatā€™s soooo important, if you ask the top g developers they will talk about monetization and marketing strategies, they take it for granted that you already have a bug free good, fun game in your hands

I canā€™t remember whether the others were completely transparent as possible in their interviews, but I tried to be with mine.

That should absolutely be your mindset when you start out in my opinion.

Donā€™t ever run into anything thinking about money. I never did think about money when I started on the platform and to be honest, I donā€™t really care now considering I donā€™t ever see myself personally using Developer Exchange.

I started some accounts online for fun last year reporting news and even though I donā€™t earn any money, I could perhaps earn a small amount in donations if I wanted to (given that we raised $40 for Palestine recently) but I donā€™t care about the money.

I think itā€™s unrealistic running into something with money expectations to be honest. Remember, this article is for advice mainly for new developers iirc.